December 6, 2012

Holiday Carrots

Welcome back, me!

I haven't posted in a long time, but expect updates more regularly! And this time, with less sugar. Remember: I don't use recipes, season to taste, and don't be stupid.

Holiday Carrots
  • As many carrots as you want to eat
  • Some Butter
  • Some Rosemary
  • Some Brown Sugar
  • Some Cayenne Pepper
  • Some S&P
  • Some Pecans
  • Some Water

     Don't cook the carrots this way. This way takes about an hour for the carrots to get soft. Use a real steamer and it will take 10 to 20 minutes. 

    This recipe seems pretty obvious to me, but if you are hesitant, here's some more information that may or may not be of use to you. Use a small amount of olive oil in the pan if it's a habit.  I added a bit of water to try and mimic a steamer, it didn't work, but it did help cook the carrots more evenly. Then I added the rest of the ingredients. Don't get carried away with the salt, cayenne or brown sugar. When they're soft, they're done- if that's the way you like them, clearly you can take them off the stove whenever. I've heard that carrots that grow in the winter are sweeter, keep that in mind.

    K, Be healthy. Happy cooking!