January 30, 2011

Wowwow wee wow. Hippie Burger.

A faded childhood memory mixed with pinch of dicing, a hint of slicing, and a dash of imagination.

This is a totally groovy-tastic burger. The beef patty is mixed with chopped walnuts and onions. Hell ya, right there in the beef. But, it is also stuffed with spinach and Australian Cheddar like the inside of a pot pie.

>( > ' )

Fish (beer batter-frozen). Lemon (mother nature). Pasta (olive oil, basil, parm).

classy. light. good.

Vegetarian Cotton Candy... Err Chocolate Salami

I've gotta admit, it tastes better when you are in Italy, it is still pretty good. It's gotta be the air quality or something; really, there is no other explanation. When I tell people this is vegetarian salami, it freaks people out, but it is. I mean, there is no meat in it, like vegetarian cotton candy. The CS is basically dark chocolate, tea biscuits, egg, sugar and a tiny bit of rum. When sliced, it resembles salami a bit more than it does in this picture.

January 21, 2011

Green Eggs and Can

Goat cheese and spinach are fantastic friends. They go everywhere together. They laugh together, cry together, and even get old together. One of their favorite things to do is getting hot and heavy with two scrambled eggs.

January 16, 2011

Spinach Spanish Burger

Did I do that?

Let truth be told, you don't need a recipe to bread and bake chicken.

First, I hit the chicken breast a few times with a meat tenderizer, mostly because it was available. Then, I mixed up some bread crumbs, flour, and egg, tossed the chicken in it and put it in a pan over olive oil. And because that wasn't perfect, I topped it with flour and bread crumbs again before putting it in the oven.

I'll be the first person to tell you, this was amazing. I'm very picky about chicken and hardly order it when I'm out because it tends to be dry, but I did something right. Something so right. I'm not trying to say I'm an amazing cook, but Einstein did say that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. As you can see by the picture, I paired it with spaghetti. Blah blah blah.

January 13, 2011


If you ever thought mac and cheese out of box was unhealthy, you have never been so wrong!


There are two ways to do this: the easy way and the easy way.

The easy way:
Heat up some frozen chicken nuggets and mix with a bag of heated up cheesy rice broccoli. Then eat it.

The easy way:
Bread and bake chicken. Make rice. Steam broccoli. Mix all cooked ingredients together and add cheese. Mix and eat.