October 4, 2010

Day One. One day,

Blogs: See last night's macaroni.

It isn't that blogs aren't hot and irresistible, because they are, at first. But after a few entries, or 'posts', your blog becomes a bit stale and less tempting. Then you start to remember all the other things in life you should be doing. For instance, tonight I would like to workout, you know, like, for my health, as opposed to getting carpal tunnel syndrome at an early age. But here goes nothing (aka: at least my fourth blog in eight years).

Oh, also as a fair warning, I may talk about food. A lot. And not just any food, the kind of food that will make your mouth drool uncontrollably thus either publicly embarrassing yourself (I'd prefer you not read my blog alone, and especially not in the dark alone), short circuiting your computer (Apple does not fix water-damaged things), or both. I urge you, please, do not read on am empty stomach for your own sake. And, if you see a strange food combination I will inevitably mention, get a pen and a pad of paper, write a shopping list, and thank me later.

(and i know how to spell grammar, btw)


  1. when are we going to go into business together? better yet, lets go to culinary school together, then mixology school, then rule the culinary world! ok? thanks. p.s. I like food way more than you!
