February 24, 2011

Sweet Tortilla wRap

Hot Mami,
Baby chickadee,
Got you rolled up on a plate just for me.
Any more sugar and you'd be-
an IV-
of liquid sucrose.
A trip.
A honey drip.
Dripin' all over the plate. Place.
Making a mess in the kitchen- on your chin and face.
It's bananas, things gettin' crazy,
Split and meant to share but you's kinda lazy.
Your stomachs kinda full. Blood sugar rising,
now try to sit and work all day advertising.

Soup or Liquid Salad?

So... an interesting fact about broccoli and cauliflower is that they almost completely dissolve in cream of potato soup. Add some milk or water to thin it out and poof- amazing. That is at least a week's worth of vegetables in one bowl. Okay, maybe a day's worth, but it is easy enough to do everyday, and tastes good enough to want more. The "X" shaped garnish on top (tomato slices) add nothing to this dish. I suggest leaving them off, but I wanted to brighten up the bowl of porridge looking mush, err, soup.

Another Cheap Pizza

Cheap frozen pizza + sliced tomatoes + real mozzarella+ super diced basil + drizzled olive oil = A stretchedpastitslimits stomach

February 9, 2011

A Simple Banana Split.

Oh ya... except the ice cream.
Health in yo face!

Choco Drank

Adult chocolate milk + whipped cream

It's Shake and Bake, and I helped myself to the whole thing.

Delish and oh so easy! If you aren't baking chicken, you aren't eating baked chicken. This particular day i decided to batter it which means to cake it in flour, roll it around in a raw egg then cover that with "Italian bread crumbs"- the kind you buy in the store. 350 degrees, 15 minutes flip over 15 more minutes. you can do a few min less if you wish. Obviously you can bake a few minutes longer, but I only recommend this if you like dry and possibly burned food.

Topped with Marinara sauce and Parm cheese. Incredible.